“I was supposed to receive two sets of automotive harnesses but instead received two tupperware of marinara sauce.” Bandonillo told the USPS.

Does a bowl of marinara sauce weigh the same as a racing harness? If this story pans out to be true the way it allegedly went down, someone in the USPS seems to think so.

Entrepreneur and car enthusiast Devyn Bandonillo took to Instagram earlier yesterday (Apr. 20, 2021) sharing a series of photos and videos of the medium flat rate box he received from the USPS. As mentioned, Bandonillo ordered genuine sets of Schroth Racing harnesses. Damaged and re-wrapped with packing tape, Bandonillo was presumably wary of what was actually inside. As you can guess, instead of the racing belts were two tupperware bowls of bonafide tomato sauce wrapped in tinfoil and cling film.

Here’s what Bandonillo ordered, just the harnesses, not the whole seat fyi.

And, here’s what he received.

Bandonillo’s post is linked here, including screenshots of his posts below.

While it’s completely plausible a crooked USPS employee took advantage of an open box, repacking it with his potluck contribution, a more simple explanation is someone in the USPS mixed up the open contents of two separate boxes. There might be someone out there expecting sauce but now receiving car parts.

We’re also dealing with the USPS here, a government entity notorious for its customer service or lack thereof. There’s little incentive, from the top down, for any USPS employee to make sure they reseal damaged packages with the correct content, especially considering all damaged flat rate boxes look the same.

As posted, Bandonillo filed a formal complaint and I’ll keep abreast on this story because I sure as heck want to know the result.

And if you’re wondering, yes, it’s plausible, totally hygienic, and not illegal to send tomato sauce, unrefrigerated, through our nation’s mail system. A tomato paste’s acidic nature resists bacterial growth for, at best, up to a week without sticking it in the cooler.

The only question is….was the sauce any good?


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