If by considering, we mean it’s an inevitable eventuality, then yes, Porsche is considering stuffing a battery pack somewhere on its 911 and introducing a hybrid variant.

The writings on the wall for the future of hybrids and electric cars in the years to come and it looks like everyone has some sort of plan to not only have a hybridized lineup but possibly some dedicated EV’s. Porsche is no different. According to Bloomberg on their latest musings on the possibility of an electrified Porsche 911 they posted about earlier this weekend (Nov 17, 2017) the most expensive variant of their flagship car, the Porsche 911, will probably be some kind of hybrid.

If there’s a car company that desperately needs to revamp its image as an earth-friendly car company, it’s definitely the VW group, Porsche included.  I’m referring to the $24 billion plan to build electric versions of its entire 300 model lineup spread over 12 brands.

In an undisclosed interview with representatives from Porsche who wish to remain anonymous, Porsche plans to introduce this hybrid variant a few years down the road of the model’s eighth generation that has yet to be produced. In fully electric mode, this new hybrid 911 will have 40 miles of range without the aid of the internal combustion engine, enough range that may see some Porsche 911’s not even firing up on their commutes to work.

Earlier last year, Top Gear UK got a whiff of an electrified 911 coupe shortly after Porsche’s Mission E was introduced. The Mission E is a fully electric concept that has more than 600 HP and 310-mile range thanks to its two electric motors.

“The Mission E could lead to a future when we need more electric cars to meet our regulations. So, you can imagine a Mission E with two-doors – the car looks great and there could be potential for a sports car,” Mössle told TG. “Whether it’s called a 911 or not is another discussion.

These latest semi-verified rumors of an electric 911 all might stem from the other electric car that took media headlines earlier this week, Tesla’s Roadster 2.0. The highest priced Porsche Turbo S’s top out at very close to $200,000, the same as the MSRP of the new Roadster.


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