Instead of working it out cordially, she committed grand theft, grand larceny, and ruined her life.
An unbelievably infuriating story popped up on Reddit’s “Am I the ***hole” subreddit earlier yesterday (May 27,2020) a man’s girlfriend hatched and carried out a plan, sending his 1967 Chevrolet Impala project car to the wrecking yard because the Impala was taking up garage space, not allowing her to park inside.
The boyfriend explains that his GF came to live with her for two months in quarantine at his place, the entire property belonging to him. As a compromise, the BF even showed her several enormous trees and even a barn she could park in if she wanted to provide her car with a bit of shelter.
Well, I’ll let you read the story in its entirety embedded below and, if that thread disappears, here’s a mirror.
Just know there’s a happy ending.
AITA For suing my girlfriend after she had my 1967 impala project taken to the scrapyard? from r/AmItheAsshole
There are several key takeaways from this.
First, the cardinal rule for any car (or piece of property) is, if it’s not yours, do not touch it. By following that simple rule, you’ll save yourself a world of hurt. Like scorned GFs who never get their way, the heat of the moment and a vengeful spirit trumps any logic. But, if you can train yourself not to listen to that devil on your shoulder, doing nothing is better than messing with someone else’s stuff.
Second is the lack of communication. Fellas, if you ever run into a girl who pulls anything like this on a smaller level, you need to dump her ASAP and remove yourself from that toxic situation. Especially if you’re young, you need to save yourself the headache. If you cannot work out your situation with words, civilly, you will not have a pleasant relationship beyond boyfriend/girlfriend.
Thankfully, this absolute KING didn’t have much feelings attached to this wench.
“I wouldn’t say I dodged a bullet, more like it hit me in the shoulder instead of the heart. Hurts, but could be a lot worse.”
Finally, for project cars, document, document, document. No one ever thinks their partner might go bat **** crazy and haul their car off, or plans for a tornado to sweep through town but, if you want to prove to the authorities or insurance, this is how much was destroyed, you need to show pictures, receipts, and purchase orders backing up your claim.
If you don’t have a file documenting where you bought your car, for how much, and enumerating all the major parts you’ve bought along the way, now’s the time.
If you can buy one of those cheapo camera systems that connects to the internet, the better. Point a camera at your car, set it, and forget it.
And this is a sidebar comment, but what a piece of work the GF’s family is, throwing her daughter’s BF under the bus. You cannot blame the GF’s family for taking her side but, from a bird’s eye view, it’s clear who’s at fault.
“Her family and friends are absolutely blowing me up saying it’s just a s***** old piece of junk and that she cannot pay back all that money I spent, and that I should just let it go. But I have been putting all my time, effort, and money into that car for a year and a half now and g.d. it if I am not going to get justice for what she did. “
And I have to tip my hat off to the police for handling this situation with professionalism, class, and efficiency, bringing this man whole as much as they can. In this current climate without a judicial system running 100 percent, our local police really are doing double duty as law enforcers at all levels.