Sometimes the comedy writes itself.

The driver of a Ferrari 458 owned by the Houston-based law firm “The Hadi Law Firm” was filmed by several witnesses accelerating, jumping a curb, and crashing into an embankment as the exotic car exited a car show at the Sugar Land Town Center.

Check out all the angles of the now viral crash I could find below.

The crash happened on US 59 Frontage Road, link to the location on Google Maps found here.

The Hadi Law Firm announced on their Instagram earlier last week that they’d be participating in @TheCarCulture’s car show later that weekend with their 458 presumably in attendance.

As with most high-dollar car shows, the most exciting part comes right at the end as owners contemplate the best way to drive off.

In response, many show attendees line the sidewalks, hoping to catch a glimpse of an epic drive-off.

Some, whether they want to admit or not, also watch for the inevitable crash (which seems to be the case here.)

As this driver illustrates, the cardinal sin of a car show exit is stomping on the gas pedal while you’re turning, a sure-fire recipe to lose control.

That’s inevitably what happens and, despite her attempt to counter-act a near spinout, physics takes over, sending her into the nearest embankment.

Many commenters note that she had PLENTY of time to brake.

“Nice power slide until the countersteer, “@Loud_390 commented. “She literally couldn’t have just tapped the break pedal and never hit lol”

“That’s was the slowest car crash I’ve seen,” @tomateros8617 added.

How did I know it’s owned by said law firm? It’s decaled right on the hood!

Hadi Law Firm is decaled on the hood.

Thankfully the driver appears to be A-OK, the airbags doing their job.

The driver appears to be one of the firm’s attorneys, both twin sisters, listed on their firm’s “Meet the attorneys” page and featured in their anniversary post on Instagram.

If the driver is actually the sister of the owner of the law firm, she’ll probably NEVER live this down.

And how ironic that a law firm that specializes in Auto accidents happens to crash one of their pride and joys?

Auto accidents is listed as their first practice.

In this case, they won’t be needing their own representation (as the only one they played was themselves.)


  1. The only Ferrari Paulo Acoba will ever play with is on the computer. Watch the haters, and chances are they’re not doing much with their lives, so they make themselves feel good by putting others down.

    • Putting down? She did that to herself by giving it the beans while turning on cold tires. 😂 Also, the law firm wrap on the hood, just perfect 😂😂😂


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