This San Jose station is selling e85 for 85 cents on Feb. 11 (one day only) and another station in Glendale is selling e85 for 85 cents on Feb. 13 (also one day.)
If your car can run e85 and you want gas for cheap then get your behind to this Texaco station in San Jose tomorrow (Feb. 11) from 9 A.M. to 3 P.M. because Pearson Fuels is selling E85 for 85 cents a gallon. Their address is
545 W. Alma Ave, San Jose, CA 95125
The other event for the Glendale station is on Wednesday (Feb. 13) from 10 AM- 2 PM. Their address is
901 N. Glendale Ave, Glendale CA 914206
I was a little skeptical at first because this type of deal sounds too good to be true but it’s for real. According to Pearson Fuels on their official Facebook page apparently, this has been a thing for at least last year at various stations they own.
Currently, this particular Texaco is selling e85 for $2.50 so this $1.65 difference represents a 66 percent off discount for what you’d normally spend so that’s a great deal.
And if you’re that type that uses e85 quite quickly because you’ve got a lead foot I’m sure that, if you had a couple of containers specifically for transporting and storing gas, it would behoove you to fill those ones up as well.
It goes without saying but gas is highly volatile so you’ll want to store gasoline safely as once a fire gets out of hand, it gets violent quick. Here’s a little video that should help you out if this is the first time you’re storing gas.
Also, keep in mind that these two events probably won’t be the last time Pearson Fuels will hold these type of discount days so bookmark my page or the Facebook link above to keep abreast when they do post new discount days.
Do you drive a car with e85? Let me know what kind of setup you have in the comment below and how hard or easy it is to live with refueling e85 on a daily basis.
Source: Pearson Fuels