Nissan Japan really let kids draw all over a new Nissan GT-R with permanent markers making one awful looking piece of art. This is why.

New Nissan GT-R’s start at around $113,000, so why in the heck would Nissan allow kids to draw on one, let alone give them permanent markers? According to a Twitter thread that’s come across my timeline from an event Nissan Japan sanctioned event from way back in December 2018, this particular R35 Nissan GT-R was destined for the scrap pile anyways.

So, hold your horses and just enjoy the photos for what they are, pure terror!

According to, whose social media feed RT’d this story for some reason, “…It is said that it is handled as a scrap car disposal vehicle in a collision experiment etc. ”

That’s a direct to English translation so I’m going to assume that means this car’s probably headed for important crash testing, perhaps to get a rating. In that case it’s understandable to allow this sort of otherwise horrendous take on an impromptu modern art car.

Looking at the photos, there are only very young kids drawing on the cars. Ratchet that age group up a notch and dare I say the graffiti might be a little more…obscene?

If this type of event was in the United States, I can guarantee some kids would draw some (ehemm) images shaped a lot like the male lower anatomy all over this car. It’d be irresistible for any boy not to pass up.

As pure shock factor, I think this was pretty cool of Nissan to do. It’s probably the coolest project they’ve done all of 2018.

I’d recommend sharing the above photos to your friends without context.

What do you think of this one-off art car? Where you as shocked as I was looking at the images? Let me know your .02 in the comments below.


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