You know the typical dealership experience; you drop your car off and pick it up without your problem solved. Oh, and they slap you with a $100 diagnostic fee after 1.5 hours of poking around, leaving you more frustrated than ever. But it looks like even this 3rd grader has the dealership service experience figured out.

Redditor /u/banalbagheera posted up what his nephew, in the third grade, wrote on an assignment about a job he’d like to do in the future. His answer is priceless and a model for dealership mechanics everywhere.

Check out his words below.

Thought you guys would like my nephew’s answer (3rd grade) from r/Justrolledintotheshop

On one hand this is just the ramblings of an eight-year-old, but this has all the marks of a model mechanic in the works.

First, there’s the subtle professionalism of his job. Presumably his Dad is a mechanic and this is where he gets his ideas from. Leaving and arriving at work in clean clothes is the mark of a decent mechanic.

Then there’s the whole “I’m going to make this a career” business. This kid has his mind set that this isn’t something he’ll try on a whim, this is a job he’ll do for a long time, very unlike this current generation always trying out different careers just because.

Finally, there’s the attitude that he’ll fix customer cars, no ifs ands or buts. That is the kind of guy I’d like to hire if I was a manager of a garage or dealership service area.

“I would take there car into the workshop and fix it and then come in and tell them that there good to go and that I fixed there engine and that they should be good to go and if they had any problems come back.

That last part is customer service gold. While you can’t promise that your work will fix their problem 100 percent, you can reassure the customer you’ll take care of them, giving them peace of mind.

When this kid becomes a mechanic, whatever garage he works out of better treat him well. Better yet, I hope this kid starts his own business fixing cars, he’ll bring in the right people.


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