Painted in shades of orange, pink, and purple, Sexy Vegan makes a $950 car stand out in high-dollar L.A. traffic
If you’ve driven around the West Hollywood and Beverly Hills area for over five minutes, you’ve probably seen a sedan brightly painted from hood to bumper owned by one Sexy Vegan. That’s not a description, that’s his legal name.
According to his California issued license plates, as seen on hundreds of photos scattered around the internet and the Bureau of Automotive Repairs, Sexy Vegan currently drives a 2002 Hyundai Sonata GLS.

In 2016, Vegan was spotted dancing on top of a black 2009 Hyundai Sonata SE, that video embedded below.
Vegan’s car is so iconic it’s part of Getty Images archive of photos, a point of pride some B-list celebrities cannot even claim to have.
Here’s Vegans brightly painted car on said archive.
Often emblazoned with color printouts of his most famous YouTube videos about himself and with his Google Site’s url, his Sonata is as much a rolling billboard as a mobile art piece. With heavily trafficked billboards in the WeHo area costing advertisers several thousand a week, Sexy Vegan’s onto something.
Sexy Vegan was born Hansel Marion DeBartolo III. He used to go by Hans & Hanz. He moved to West Hollywood, CA from a Chicago suburb in 2016 & legally changed his name to Sexy Vegan & got Sexy Vegan tattooed on his forehead & chest in Skin Candy vegan tattoo ink.
A little googling around reveals Vegan’s claim to fame is his one appearance on Dr. Phil. Vegan’s spun off success from that appearance by producing and promoting his own music and recently as a bonafinde write-in Presidential Candidate in November’s elections.
According to AutoTrader, fair market value for these Sonatas runs between $1,000-$5,000 depending on condition and mileage. Painted with several coats of non-automotive paint, it’s safe to say Vegan’s car won’t find another owner.
Keen eyes will notice that Vegan had to take his Sonata to get its b-iyearly smog test in August, leaving with an “R” or “not ready.” Cars made after 1999 in California need not take a rolling road test so I’m presuming this means either Vegan’s car has a check engine light or his readiness monitors have not completed. If Vegan does not get these issues addressed soon, 2020 might be the last year for the Vegan Sonata.
While Vegan’s appearances and work have gotten him plenty of online attention, Vegan’s car is arguably his magnum opus, it’s where hundreds of people, daily, find out about Vegan, who he is, and, what he stands for wether they like it ornit.
With a captive audience, thanks to Los Angeles County’s notoriously long traffic lights, commuters are forced to watch an eye assault of color and politics. Using the Sonata’s roof as his stage, Vegan begins a minute-long political performance piece that leaves you with more questions than answers. And I guess that’s the point.
Here’s Vegan’s most recent sighting uploaded to Reddit and a handful of his appearances on Youtube.
So, my best friend just sent me this. from r/PublicFreakout
In a bleak world of cars in boring colors and with news of doom and gloom around every corner, say what you want about Vegan but for 60 seconds or less, they’re given a visual performance that leaves the majority grinning, thinking, “Only in California.”