This deal is running till the end of March so you’d better act fast

Toyota is betting on Hydrogen in California in a big way with infrastructure funding and recently unveiling their second gen Toyota Mirai. But, despite already killer lease and financing deals, Toyota is barely moving these more powerful Mirais packing even more range off their dealership lots.

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According to CarsDirect and their post that sort of flew under the radar posted earlier this month and thanks to a deal alert that “caught fire” earlier last week, California Toyota dealerships are pulling out all the stops to get new Mirai owners out the door as soon as possible, mainly by putting $20K “on the hood,” double what they did when the new, second gen Mirai first made its debut earlier in the year.

Here’s the NorCal Toyota Mirai offer linked here and the Socal Toyota Mirai offer linked here.

& here’s the gist of their incentives below

  • $20,000 Toyota Cash Discount if you finance over six years
  • additional Dealer discounts of $1,000-$5,000
  • $4,500 CA Tax Credit
  • $8,0000 Federal Tax Credit
  • $15,000 complimentary free H2 to be used within six years

If you subtract the total amount of incentives from the cheapest $53,000 Mirai, you’re technically ending up with a loan of $33,000 that you’ll finance over 72 months (a $450-ish a month payment.)

Tack on the California and Federal tax credits and you’re looking at a $17,000ish Mirai.

And, if you minus the cost of fuel, that Mirai looks very affordable, indeed.

Auto blogger ZeroSeven breaks down his recent Mirai deal posted earlier this week and he essentially financed a Mirai, ending up with one that’s not only “free,” but technically making him money. Him masterfully negotiating a larger $5,004 dealer discount has something to do with that.

Check out his post linked here for all the details.

A fragile re-fueling infrastructure that can only get better.

When it comes to H2 refueling in California, no news is good news. There are always updates on station openings, funding updates, and proposed station locations, but the H2 news that really gets the press all whipped up is H2 shortages.

Granted, there are at least one or two H2 shortages a year affecting H2 Fuel Cell Vehicles for several weeks, but the duration between each one has admittedly gotten longer.

Thanks to a pro-green federal and state administration, millions in funding pouring into new stations over several years, and Toyota’s bull-ish attitude towards the feature of H2, I’m cautiously optimistic that the H2 fueling infrastructure will not only get more stable, but obviously grow over the next six years, if not more.

I’m calling it, hydrogen is going to be the next darling child of both governments and their green initiatives and Hollywood-elite wanting to stand out even further from the crowd.

This all bodes well if you jump on this Mirai deal.

If you’re looking for a reliable commuter that’s not your primary car, have excellent credit, live in California, and are ready to take a not-so-risky chance, this Mirai deal is an easy decision.


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