The Boyfriend took to Facebook to plead with his girlfriend to give his steering wheel back.

Ladies and fellas whose partner drives a Chevrolet Malibu and who wants a quick and easy way to exact your petty revenge on them, take note.

A boyfriend who goes by Jess on Facebook recently shared a photo of what looks like the driver’s side of his Chevrolet Malibu, except the steering wheel and column are missing.

Tadashi Kazu Please just give it back bruh ion got time for this,” Jess captioned his photo.

Jess’s post is linked here, with a screenshot of his post below.

If you can’t put the context clues together, it looks Jess’s girlfriend, Tadashi Kazu (if that’s even her real name) took the steering wheel, column and all, from Jess’s Chevrolet Malibu.


I asked for the story in the comments and, according to Kazu, he was being funny.

Translation: Jess said something that pissed off Kazu enough where she reached into her arsenal of knowledge and got back at him by taking off his steering wheel.

Without it, Jess can’t go anywhere.

The easiest way for Jess to get it back is to apologize for whatever he said.

It’s either that or he’ll have to source his own steering wheel and column, not to mention reprogram a new ignition cylinder and key, a fix that can cost hundreds of dollars and days of work.

Probably not a coincidence, but there has been a rash of Chevrolet Malibu and Impala owners who’ve got their steering wheels and columns stolen as of late.

According to a report by Fox 2 Detroit last year,

“…Chevrolet Malibus and Impalas were targeted for the wheels.”

Apparently, according to Motor Biscuit, two screws is all that’s keeping a steering column attached on these late model Chevy cars.

Check out how fast this thief snatches this Malibu owner’s steering wheel column in less than 25 seconds.

I posed the title as a question because do you actually think Kazu would do something like that or, the likely story imo, Jess is just re-posting a photo of someone’s Malibu with stripped steering wheel, adding a witty caption, and farming it for clout.

Since Jess’s post, it has 1300 comments, 6400 reshares and counting, and who knows how many views.

Then again, Kazu might really be that vindictave, hearing how easy it is to steal steering wheels from these cars and applying her handiwork accordingly.

What do you think?

Let me know in the comments below.


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