Another shining example of the typical Nissan 350Z/370Z and Infiniti G35/G37 driver and why they have a bad reputation.
New Jersey resident and Redditor /u/fubnla121212 shared the not surprising moment an impatient Infiniti G37 driver in Paterson, NJ couldn’t wait a couple of seconds, used a right turn only lane as a passing lane, and lost control slamming into the side of a middle school.
/u/fubnla121212’s thread is linked here with a copy of his video below.
The accident happened near the intersection of Spruce St. and Market St, exact location on Google Maps linked here.
As OP’s video shows, Spruce St. is a two-lane road with traffic going in either direction.
We see the motorcyclist in front of OP stall and struggle to get going after the light turns green.
I counted between no more than nine seconds of the rider fiddling around.
Traffic behind OP gets impatient, OP included, and they start to honk.
Eventually, the motorcyclist gets moving.
Before we see the G37, we can hear it. Typical.
The G37 uses the right turn only lane to shoot past OP, overtaking on the right.
After cutting OP off, the G37 tries to straighten out but hits a dip in the road causing him to lose rear traction.
When he lands, gaining traction, his car is pointed towards the historic red brick building that houses Dawn Treader Christian Middle School.
The G37 sideswipes the school and grazes a light pole before coming to a humiliating stop.
Good thing no one, especially nearby children, were walking on the sidewalk.
“Perfect content for the sub. All the good guys are ok. And the idiot got exactly what he deserved. The only victims are the building and the car,” /u/Elodinauri comments.
“People that drive like this need to be jailed. Beyond lucky that there were no pedestrians,” /u/_jump_yossarian added.
It’s worth noting that many other Redditors took umbrage to OP honking more than once at the poor motorcyclist.
“Why the f*** do you honk more than once?,” /u/schmich comments.
“He’s not looking at how pretty his shoes are. He’s checking something on the bike. It might be nothing at all, but it’s not you to judge out of 0 information.“
Looking at the world as a glass half full, you’ll realize that driving often gives us opportunities to practice patience.
In this case, the motorcyclist wasn’t actively trying to delay traffic.
Easier said than done, but what good is saving a couple of seconds if you increase your chances of getting into an accident, too.
This could’ve turned out a lot worse.
And, as always, here’s your reminder to get yourself a dashcam.