Like most states, Virginia has laws dictating how to use the left lane.

Virginia visitor and Redditor /u/Im_Just_Ruthie shared headshaking dashcam footage from I-81 from earlier in the tail end of December last year (Dec. 27, 2024) to the /r/IdiotsInCars subreddit showing what happens when even one driver holds up cars from using the left lane as a passing lane only.

Check out their dashcam embedded below, the original Reddit thread linked here.

As mentioned, both parts of this video were taken on I-81 in and around Atkins, VA (Exact location on Google Maps linked here.)

In the first part of the video, we can see a driver in a white Chevrolet Silverado in the left lane pacing behind a driver in a white Chevrolet Tahoe.

With the Tahoe blocking everyone from passing, the natural progression and flow of traffic is halted.

In a bid to get to the front of the line, a driver in a dark-colored RAV4 brute forces their way in only to also get stuck behind the Tahoe.

The second half of the video shows no progress still, the Tahoe still presumably up front blocking anyone from passing.

We see a driver in a dark-colored Genesis also try to get in front of the Silverado but, with no room to safely change lanes, the Genesis is relegated to staying in the right lane.

This Genesis tries to pass but has nowhere to go.

“Geez, everyone in this video is following too close to everyone else…,” /u/jojowasher observed.

“This looks like I-81 in Virginia, perhaps the most miserable driving experience in the country. Hundreds of miles of this type of s***. Timid drivers in the left lane not passing for miles and miles. All because an overactive police force hiding behind every bush looking to pop anybody going 5 over,” /u/Momma_Coprocessor comments.

“Whole bunch of idiots in this video including OP … who is about to lick the a** of the white truck. There is no reason to tailgate. Just cruise in the right lane and get home 2 minutes later,” /u/_jump_yossarian critiques.

“In Virginia, using the left lane for anything other than passing is illegal,” says a report by News 29.


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