This Mazda Miata owner came back to his car covered in dings and dents from people standing on it. Thankfully, the internet has receipts and justice is incoming.
It’s one thing to find a random door ding on your car because you can brush that off as an accident. But to come back to your car with shoe prints and large dents from people standing on it all over your property is grounds for some old-fashioned justice like a call to your local police. According to a now locked Reddit thread on /r/cars that dropped earlier today (Apr. 11,2018) Redditor EnviousNacho shared a story from his local Mazda Miata group showing a photo of a Mazda Miata completely vandalized. Footprints covered his hood and convertible top along with visible dents could be seen. Check out the photo for yourself below.
As you can see in the photo appropriately labeled Rage Pt. 1. There are thousands of dollars of damage that can be seen. If, somehow, this guy’s insurance kicks in, there’s some serious bodywork and paint to be done. It doesn’t help that he’s also rocking a custom paint job.
Thankfully, as it is the internet, these lowlifes actually publicly shared the photo of themselves standing on the hood of this guy’s car. To protect their identities (for now…) there faces have been painted over.
If you’re not aware, an easy way to gain some internet “cred” is to do something along the lines as scandalous as this, an act that they know won’t be worth local police’s time to prosecute. Things like filming themselves defacing local fast food restaurants, skateboarding off of cars at intersections, literally stealing small items etc. In line with that aforementioned buffoonery is standing on people’s cars.
The Reddit Mod locked the linked thread above because some Redditors were advocating violence as a form of justice to these idiots, rightfully so. But to let this story hang there without some justice just won’t stand today.
Hopefully, this Miata owner finds some justice, not just for himself, but to set a precedent that if you do this kind of thing, there are repercussions.
Let the police handle this. Let the internet do its thing.