It looks like the 10th anniversary of Speed Racer’s big screen debut has brought Emile Hirsch onto Twitter to promote a Speed Racer 2.

It’s been ten years since Speed Racer debuted on the big screen and Emile Hirsch, among others, thinks now’s a good time to really push for a Speed Racer 2, and for good reason. According to Emile Hirsche off of Twitter earlier this week (May 14, 2018) not only did he reconfirm that the Wachowskis have already considered a Speed Racer 2, the script’s already been written. Check out the tweet for yourself below.

Hirsch, if you don’t remember, played the lead role of Speed Racer of the Racer family in the 2008 live action portrayal of the cult classic cartoon of the mid 60’s. Although the movie pretty much bombed at the box office on opening weekend and subsequent weekends after that, the film’s gained an almost cultlike status among true film aficionados oftentimes citing that it was ahead of its time in overall design and tone.

Critics on Rotten Tomatoes gave Speed Racer a Rotten score of 40 percent while the audience score wasn’t that much better at 59 percent.

I was among the first to watch this movie around the time it came out and distinctly remember how wild the on-screen graphics and CGI was. It was truly like something I’ve never seen before. I did leave the movie thoroughly entertained.

Coincidentally, I watched Speed Racer again just a few weeks ago and it was as entertaining as ever with the movie holding up well for being 10 years old.

If indeed a script is already out there, presumably, a significant amount of thought has gone into this project.

And with a newfound appreciation for the Wachowski’s work surfacing after some time, maybe it IS time for a Speed Racer 2.

With the level of forward thinking that the Wachowskis brought in 2008, we’re sure to be in for a ride if Speed Racer 2 moves forward.

I, for one, would absolutely watch a Speed Racer 2.


  1. cool speed racer is a classic cartoon tv show i grew uopwatcing as a teen boy and now i have the complete dvd video set and i bought my Christian friend brother in Christ tomy story same dvd vide complete tv show in one dvd vhide case and before that i saw on vhsvideo tapes some episodes so i bought them i found the hot whells car the secound wind its r6eally the mac 5 speed racer car ps the movie speed racer cool but if they took out the fowlingo and spiridel boy sticking his middle finger up it would be just like the cool classic cartoon us fans grew up with thats how it would get moreratings if you stick to the orginal ideas and alot of church members would see the movie with there family trees if there was no fowlingo and styicking middle finger up i even let church members know about fowelingo and middle finger sticking up and they said thanks bill page we were going to see the movie but thanks to you for letting us know about that we will not be seeing the,ive version speed racer movie ps folks its no brainer take out all t7he fowlingo and nasty stuff and you will have more people at the box office movies


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