This photo’s been floating around the internet for a quick minute so here’s why I think this man’s sort of genius.

There are some car modifications that make no functional sense but you kind of can’t get mad at it because the execution is spot on and the final product boggles the mind. Those are the emotions I went through, and several thousand on the internet, when they see this photo for the first time, a sunroof installed on the hood of some Honda Accord in South East Asia.

Check out what I mean below.

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The general consensus is this is a Honda Accord with a sunroof (or moonroof) from a third gen Honda Prelude. The fit and finish on this modification is what really sells it, from this angle it looks like this was a factory option.

There are some theories why this Accord owner pulled this mod off.

For one, there’s engine cooling. Honda Accord’s of this year generally have small, square front ends with little opening for air to flow over the radiator. Maybe this is one of many ways this owner’s remedied an overheating issue. Maybe the region where he drives is notorious for long, hot, and humid summers that might tax the cooling system.

Another theory is that this is a show car. But, one look at those wheels and that guess is out the window.

I think he had a spare sun roof laying around, cut a big enough hole in his hood, and installed it just for the heck of it. During low-speed driving his hot engine certainly will benefit from a bit of heat extraction, that’s what vented hoods do anyway.

And, I think it’s doubly cool that he can open and close this hood vent from his driver’s seat, real poor man’s James Bond-like.

There’s also the added benefit of topping off your oil without opening your hood.

Overall, it’s kind of a weird car mod, but no one’s mad at him.


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