Everyone’s number one priority behind the wheel should only be 100 percent concentrated driving.
This So-cal based SoundCloud rapper will probably change his driving behavior and consider paying a little more attention behind the wheel. According to Reddit user MotiTom’s video submitted to a gem of a sub-reddit (embedded below) earlier yesterday (June 11, 2020) this up-and-coming rapper filmed himself spitting bars, promoting a new song while his Mazda 6 was in motion. No one’s 100 percent sure what exactly happened next and why he crashed but literally minutes later (according to his Instagram story timeline) he shared the aftermath of his crash, his Mazda 6 showing significant front end damage.
Check out the video gone viral on Reddit below.
Local rapper crashes car from r/PublicFreakout
In the first 10 seconds of the video we can see him driving around, “feeling himself” and his new song. Your guess is as good as mine where exactly he was. More than likely he was in a parking lot trying to find a quiet space to film the rest of his IG story but he very well could’ve been driving around on some busy part of town. It’s L.A.
Regardless, he shouldn’t be singing, ‘graming, and, driving all at the same time. The man’s not even wearing a seatbelt.
The next couple of stories, he’s finishing up most his song, probably parked, but maybe sitting in traffic. Again, we’re talking about L.A.
Minutes later, he’s out of his car in the middle of the 101 in Los Angeles A.K.A. the Hollywood Freeway, just a third of a mile from an exit. The circumstances of his crash are not clear but based on his damage, he must’ve smacked something hard.
Stopped 180 degrees facing traffic, he most likely hit a stationary object, maybe a guardrail, lost control and spun around. At first glance, it’s a total write-off.
No other cars at the scene says that this was a solo-accident.
I’ll give him credit for getting out of harm’s way. If your car can drive itself after a crash, getting to the side of the road ASAP is a smart move. I have to subtract points for whipping out his smart phone to film his “drive of shame” off the freeway. No one needs to see you limping to safety.
The last couple of photos show his car in front of an LAPD cruiser probably getting his statement, the officer maybe testing his sobriety.
First off, does anyone know who this rapper is? Leave a link in the comments below.
I felt bad for the dude. Crashing and dealing with the aftermath is up there, ranking stressful life moments. According to his video, this looks like a fairly new Mazda 6, maybe not brand new, but new enough to warrant $20,000 in financing.
Then again, if his previous stories show his typical driving habits, no one’s really surprised with the unfortunate outcome.
Hopefully his rap career blows up, he can buy himself a new whip, and this will all be behind him. Maybe next time he’s behind the wheel he pays a little more attention.