If you use Lyft, Uber, or another ride share, you might get a notification your driver is deaf. Now what?
Chances are you’ve come across this blog post after receiving a text message your ride share driver is deaf. Here’s an example of the text message you received below.
If you didn’t already know, yes, deaf people are allowed to drive (100 percent legal in all 50 states) and have been driving for Lyft and Uber since the app’s been active.
Not only that, it’s commonly known deaf people turn out to be better drivers than regular able-bodied folks thanks to enhanced peripheral vision, better reaction times, and overall being more focused on the road.
If you’re a deaf Uber or Lyft driver and didn’t know this is a thing, go here and here respectively to learn how to turn on this accessibility feature.
Legal in all 50 States
According to End Distracted Driving, deaf people did not have the right to drive in all states starting in the 1920s. Only when enough statistics were compiled over time that proved deaf drivers were just as safe, if not safer, than normal drivers, did states reverse their stance.
It took as long as until 2006 for deaf drivers the right to deliver for UPS and until 2013 for the U.S. Department of Transportation to allow deaf drivers the right to get a commercial license.
Learn to say “Hello” and “Thank You”
Go here to see how to say Hello and Thank You. Basically, you salute upwards for “Hello” and touch your chin down to the palm of your other open hand for “Thank You.” Learning these two signs, mouthing the words, and a smile is honestly all you need to know to have a great ride.
In addition, you can take extra time to learn more than a couple of American Sign Language phrases.
As instructed, text your driver instead of calling and let the driver lead the way in communication.
Driving is a privilege that a lot of us take for granted and not having access to that privilege would increase challenges deaf people already face.
Bravo to Uber and Lyft for empowering the deaf community and kudos to its riders that take that extra step to make their job easier.