It’s almost never a good idea to fill up your diesel with gas, but in this case, there’s a logical reason.
You’ve heard that it can spell disaster or become an expensive mistake if you put gasoline in a diesel engine.
So, color me surprised when I came across a Facebook reel from “The Off-Grid Guru” of him filling up his big diesel truck with regular gas…on purpose!
And filling was a bit of clickbait for you, it’s more like he’s topping off his tanks.
Here are screenshots of his Facebook reel below, and click here to check it out for yourself (since I can’t embed Facebook reels.)
“Uh, oh. Somebody’s putting gasoline in their big diesel truck. If you know, you know,” The Off-Grid Guru captioned his video.
One reason The Off-Grid Guru can fill up with gas is because he can. The engine he has in his truck was specifically designed, engineered, and manufactured to use multiple types of fuel.
It appears The Off-Grid Guru is filling up an M35 2 1/2-ton cargo truck AKA “The Deuce and a half” or “The Deuce.” His is a model year 1971 with an newer 1983 model year engine.
Deuces were paired to a 7.8L, six cylinder, turbocharged multi-fuel engine.
Made to run on different types of fuel out in the field with little to no preparation, these Deuces can run on straight gasoline and even jet fuel for example if a little motor oil is added as a thickening agent.
In this specific case, The Off Grid Guru’s not exactly using straight gas.
According to his comments, this Deuce is running on Waste Motor Oil (commonly referred to as WMO.)
A Youtube video and the video’s description confirms that.
“Sometimes you got to cut that oil down,” the description reads.
“I just filled up with WMO and had to thin it out.”
If motor oil is a thickening agent, gasoline is added as a thinner.
I even came across the proportions for the “Wreckerman’s Special Deuce Elixer” which is, according to Deuce owner WreckerMan893 on the Steel Soldiers Forum is,
- 30 gallons WMO
- 30 gallons WVO (Waste Vegtable Oil)
- 30 gallons diesel fuel
- 10 gals reg gas
As his mixture reads, his Deuce runs with 10 percent gasoline as a thinner.
I’ve even heard of diesel truck owners putting in a splash of gas when they fill up when it gets cold out as a winterizing agent of sorts.
That’s a now outdated practice, as modern diesel fuels have winterizing additives added.
As mentioned, you’re going to have a bad day if you fill up your diesel vehicle with gas, but a splash of gas or even a fraction of a full tank isn’t the end of the world, even in a modern diesel.
And, in some niche use cases, like in the Off Grid Guru’s case, some diesel engines can take a bit of gas on purpose.