This Ford Super Duty Driver claims he couldn’t see this Toyota Tacoma over the snow.
Nebraska resident and Redditor /u/Shalashaska19 shared dashcam footage from this snow covered Nebraska neighborhood to the /r/IdiotsInCars subreddit showing a driver in a Ford Super Duty run a stop sign, narrowly avoiding hitting /u/Shalashaska19, and driving into a snow bank as a result.
“Said he couldn’t see me over the snow,” the video is titled.
Check out the dashcam footage below.
[OC] – Said he couldn’t see me over the snow
byu/Shalashaska19 inIdiotsInCars
As OP’s dashcam footage shows, he’s slowly driving along a typical Nebraska neighborhood just before sunrise.
The weather’s not gotten warm enough to melt most of the snow, so small piles of snow and larger snow banks line the roads.
We see a driver in what looks like a Ford F-250 Super Duty approach a stop sign, but, instead of stopping before OP (with the right of way) gets there, he elects to gun it instead.
Despite his claim that he couldn’t see OP over the snow, the dashcam footage is incontrovertible.
Yeah, he definitely could see clearly in both directions.
The Super Duty driver veers out of the way, avoiding collision (and a possible pit maneuver) but drives straight into a snow bank instead.
Thankfully, no one hit the other, but the driver in the Ford truck was essentially stuck.
“I later helped pull him out of the snow bank,” OP captioned his video.
“That truck is tall enough to see clear to the next county,” /u/ATSTlover hilariously commented.
“You can literally see the window over the snow, the guy probably just thought the cam car would either stop for him or he wasn’t paying attention…I feel like he could have avoided crashing into the snow. Cam car could stop in time, so he could have just kept going left (or straight if that’s what he was trying to do) and would have been fine, but clearly he panicked.”/u/Super_cooper001 added.
I feel like this is a case of a bad habit of gunning it at stop signs and not stopping properly, catching up to that Ford Super Duty driver.
Fellas, is it g** and emasculating to stop at stop signs?
No, of course not.
Had he waited and took his turn properly, he wouldn’t have had to wait for a Toyota Tacoma to tow him out there.
Lesson learned?