Jeremy Clarkson took to twitter to properly rib Hammond, as per usual, after scary bike crash.
Take note fellas. When one of your best mates makes it through a life threatening and possibly career ending injury, you’d better take the lighter side of things and properly rib him on social media. According to Jeremy Clarkson earlier today (Mar. 20,2017) Richard Hammond is just fine and the doctor’s have confirmed that his noggin hasn’t suffered in the slightest. Check out Clarkson’s lovely tweet below and read on for details on the crash.
Doctors say Richard Hammond suffered no damage to his brain in his bike crash. Because he hasn't got one.
— Jeremy Clarkson (@JeremyClarkson) March 20, 2017
Straight from the horses mouth Hammond took to Drive Tribe to put everyone at ease. Click here to read the update for yourself. Filming for Season Two of “The Grand Tour” brought the triumvirate to the lower East Cost of Africa in Mozambique. Details on the nature of the crash are sparse thanks to not wanting to spoil details on the show, but rest assured Hammond is A OK.
According to Hammond,
It’s true, I did fall off a motorbike whilst filming recently for The Grand Tour in Mozambique. I banged my head, yes, along with pretty much everything else apart from my left thumb, which remains un-bruised. Can’t tell you more yet about the how and why of it; that’s all for later in the year on the show. As for injuries; well put it this way, I don’t think I can get a book out of it.
Keen readers will recognize the reference that Hammond made on that last sentence after his 2006 crash involving a Jet powered car that crashed with Hammond’s helmet grazing the ground at speeds above 200 MPH. Noteworthy was the theory that if Hammond was any taller he might’ve literally lost his melon.
After this latest crash, we think Hammond might’ve been a cat in a former life with his nine lives. And not in the slightest do we think Hammond will lose his love for motorbikes, which we know he’s utterly fond of.