Did you buy wheels off of Craigslist and they didn’t come with center caps? Or do you own an expensive set of JDM wheels with rare center caps and want to replace them with something cheaper yet stylish? Look no further than your local Home Depot. A bonafide DIY genius from NWP4Life’s car group on Facebook shared this unique tip that he used on his set of Regamasters. This Regamaster owner stopped by his local Home Depot and picked up a set of dollar fence caps and stuck ’em in his wheel centers. Check out the awesome results below!

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Honestly, the results speak for themselves. Fencepost caps are generic looking enough that, if they happen to fit in your wheel’s center cap hole, they make for a cheap yet good looking solution. Normally, fence caps don’t come this shiny so a bit of polishing and buffing using various sand papers and polishes is necessary to achieve this mirror-like finish. But if you want that matte aluminum look, I see nothing wrong with popping an unpolished set in your wheels.

I hopped on over to Home Depot’s website to check out the specs on their fence post caps and some pricing. This particular center cap measures 2 3/8 inch in diameter and looks like it could possibly fit into some 15″- 17″ wheels. At just $1.47, they’re darn cheap compared to what actual center caps might cost.

Since they’re aluminum, if they don’t fit and the center cap is too large, a bit of bending and reshaping might make a tight squeeze work. Alternatively, a bit of searching around might dig up a couple of other sizes of fence post cap that can work for you.

A quick google search reveals that this center cap trick isn’t entirely new and seems to be common knowledge on a couple of forums. This forum dedicated to Bullitt Mustangs shows this trick being used on a late-model Mustang.

And this Honda Element Owners club has a couple of Element owners using this same trick on their SUV’s.

So if you don’t have any center caps and are looking for a cheap solution, a quick trip to the hardware store after work might be in order.


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