Bad press, long wait times, complaints from customers, and inefficiencies behind closed doors, it looks like Jerry Brown has had enough with California’s DMV.

In a back and forth drama between lawmakers and California’s governor over whether he’d sign into action an audit to look over the state’s DMV system it looks like we finally have an answer. According to the Sacramento Bee on their report on Jerry Brown’s decision earlier today (Sept. 21, 2018) it looks like he’s going to allow an audit after all. A letter from the department of finance sent to the DMV did concede the DMV has made progress but recent negative news and concerning developments from field offices highlighted the need for “further analysis.”

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Governor Jerry Brown’s office refused to approve an audit in the past as the DMV’s inefficiencies would highlight the state incompetence in dealing with said DMV under Brown’s watch. This newly approved audit is slated to finish around March 2019.

Brown did say that any audit would unfairly be a waste of Californian’s tax payer’s money but it looks like enough was enough.

The DMV has been in the news this past week for allowing 3,000 newly registered voters through their California Real ID program despite them opting out of voting in the first place. Under this new program, newly licensed drivers have the option to opt out of voter registration. Not opting out automatically means not only are you a new driver but now can vote.

Some Californians would rather not go bother with voting, don’t want the extra calls from candidates running for office around campaign season, or don’t want their party affiliation to be public record.

Just yesterday, a router level issue stymied all DMV offices from doling out any services, delaying customers for several hours.

Earlier this year, one DMV employee napped on the clock for three hours every day for the past four years costing taxpayers $40,000. Although a small issue, it’s indicative of a larger management problem.

And earlier last year, several California DMV employees were bribed to let several trucking companies alter DMV records to get drivers who haven’t taken their CDL trucking test, actually get one.

In the Sacramento Bee’s article, the DMV is ready to pay up to $800,000 to the California Finance department for an audit on its own department.

It looks like heavy criticism of Brown’s management will be thrown his way in March, after all.

Brown critics will be waiting with bated breath as news from the audit team hits.


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