The owner of and Style Up Wheels are one and the same.

According to authentic parts and wheels reseller @TheWheelPlug on his Instagram posts earlier today, it’s no mystery who the owner of Style Up! Wheels, maker and distributor of rep wheels is. A simple reverse search of who owns the website revealed that whoever setup the website failed to hide who registered the website including the owner’s address, phone number and contact e-mail.

While all website owners must submit this information, it’s usually a free service to hide that information if you so wish.

Check out the proof for yourself below.

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If you look up on GoDaddy’s WhoIs who owns the website now, it looks like Style Up Wheels’s owner finally used GoDaddys proxy to hide any registration information.

But, it looks like the owner of Style UP Wheels has left one piece of information that leads back to the owner. I’m going to presume that if you have an eCommerce site and take customer information you need to list a Privacy Policy.

Here’s Style Up Wheels’s Privacy policy linked here. 

And here’s a screenshot.

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See that address? A simple Google Search reveals that ThreePiece.Us also does business there. I can’t drive there but when Google’s Subaru did, if you zoom in, there’s the owner at Suite G, ThreePiece.US.

Although the legality of rep wheels is a gray area, it’s a thing that’s been going on for decades. Rota Wheels, which I’m a fan of, built their reputation on offering real wheel looks at a fraction of the price.

It is what it is, really, however, among the Import community, especially in California, replica wheels are generally frowned upon and, if you ARE going to rock rep wheels, just own up to them.

There’s nothing inherently wrong with what Style UP! Wheels is doing, it just makes it awkward when you try to hide it like this.

On one hand, it’s commendable and downright American in this proud free-market economy of ours to see a demand in the market because you are an informed individual, then to take advantage of presumably cheap manufacturing to “secure the bag.” It’s arguably an honest buck. If you’re not doing it, guaranteed someone else probably would.

Plus, VS-KF’s have been discontinued for two years so it’s not like Work’s is making them anymore. Searching around, people really are shelling out more than a thousand for a clean set of legit VS-KF’s. At a fraction of the cost, reps look downright tempting to those on the fence between “Real JDM all the way” and “I mean, I can get a good looking knock-off for $800?”

On the other hand, as one sports commenter put, “it just sticks in my craw” to know that someone who works on real wheels and built their name on their craftsmanship on making custom three-piece wheels, would also sell and distribute rep wheels. Ironically, ThreePiece.US has a blog post warning customers about fake wheels. 

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Doubly ironic is this memorial post to the late Work Wheels founder Takeshi Tanaka.

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I mean, the cat’s out of the bag at this point. Just own up to it and keep doing what you’re doing.

What do you think about this real wheel drama? Let me know your .02 in the comments below.



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