When presented with a handful of transportation options to get to the airport, this lady’s cheapest Uber option was a ride on a helicopter.

For $100, would you take a four minute Uber ride to the airport, especially if it’s the cheapest option available? This New Yorker definitely had the option when she needed to get to JFK airport from her home in Manhattan.

Here’s the screenshot of her phone with her Uber options screenshot below.

Uber Copter is available in a handful of cities but got its start in New York, offering copter rides from Manhattan to JFK International Airport. Normally, Uber Copter rides cost around $200, but, for a select few Uber individuals with good ratings who live in and around Manhattan, when demand is low and helicopters are just sitting, people get a discounted Copter rate.

According to Uber, potential Copter riders book a helicopter through the app and then an Uber car takes you to a handful of helipads in the Manhattan area. From there, it’s a four minute ride to the airport.

That’s the case here, Nicole needed to get to JFK International airport as soon as possible and was in luck.

Nicole didn’t end up taking the Copter option, she claims her baggage for her trip was over the allowed carry-on size for copter rides. Instead, she took an Uber X.

Looking at the options, although the copter ride was cheapest and fastest, it wasn’t all that cheaper and faster than their UberX or Carpool options.

Plus, if you feel queasy getting into a helicopter you paid less than a family dinner at Denny’s for, you have other choices.

If I wasn’t in a rush and wanted to try the copter for fun, sure, I’d take the Uber Copter. Other than that, I’d prefer a good ol’ fashioned car ride.

Would you take Uber Copter in this case? Let me know in the comments below.


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