Colorado police clarified a ruling on snow-covered vehicles but they didn’t know it was about them.
The Denver, CO police department has one of the best Twitter accounts as far as police is concerned, posting relevant information to its citizens and replying when a reply is needed. So, when Denver police replied to Twitter user @EBreezy_rhd, asking clarification on snow covering your car, they didn’t know they were being set up, an UNO reverse card ready to be played.
Check out the epic tweet and reply below.
Hey @DenverPolice can I get fined for not cleaning off snow on top of a vehicle?
— Pepé Le Foo (@ebreezy_rhd) April 17, 2020
Okay just checking 😚
— Pepé Le Foo (@ebreezy_rhd) April 17, 2020
The best part of his reply is that closed-eyes kissing face emoji.
While spring blankets most of the United States, in parts of Colorado, including Denver, there’s still snow. According to The Denver Post on April 17, the date they posted this Tweet, it was literally the coldest day in Denver since 1907. It reached 12 degrees thanks to a winter storm that rolled thorough.
I can imagine Denver residents, including police, didn’t expect to clear snow off their vehicles before heading out.
This Ford Police Interceptor has snow blocking a large part of his driver’s side window, most of the left passenger window, and a little of the rear window. There’s also lots of snow covering his LED light bar and a large chunk on the roof.
According to Colorado State vehicle code § 42-4-201.
(4) No vehicle shall be operated upon any highway unless the driver’s vision through any required glass equipment is normal and unobstructed.
Snow is obstructing lots of required glass on that police interceptor. Violating that is a Class A Traffic infraction with fines ranging from $15-$100.
In addition, 42-4-1407 says
No vehicle shall be driven or moved on any highway unless such vehicle is constructed or loaded or the load thereof securely covered to prevent any of its load from blowing, dropping, sifting, leaking, or otherwise escaping therefrom;
Unsecured snow on top of that Interceptor violates that. This is more serious, the book classifying this as a class 2 misdemeanor traffic offense punishable by between 3 months to 364 days jail time, a fine between $250-$1,000, or both.
Other Twitter users got such a kick out of this. Here are some of the best replies.
@DenverPolice surely you’re going to hold him/her a higher standard and issue a citation, right?
— elijah (@elijah64282357) April 18, 2020
— Mike Beavs (@MikeBeavs) April 17, 2020
So Denver police probably won’t cite their own but someone in that department will sure as h**l show this embarrassing tweet to the offending officer. While we’d love to see some police-on-police justice, the fact that he’ll never hear the end of this one is OK, at best. A distant second.