The vigilante maintains he was doing Los Angeles a favor but he, in fact, ended up making it a whole lot worse.

According to CBS Local news and Pomona police earlier yesterday (July 7, 2020) a slow speed pursuit turned into an hours long affair that probably would’ve ended peacefully if it hadn’t been for this hard-charging vigilante in his Dodge Ram work truck with shark teeth painted on the fenders. With the suspect confirmed suicidal and the Crisis Negotiation Team hours into talking to this man into surrendering peacefully, a stranger in his truck comes out of nowhere and rams the suspect’s vehicle in a vehicular confrontation, something police where trying to avoid.

Below is the last minutes of the “chase” including a link to the close to three-hour pursuit below.

Major Crimes Task Force attempted to pull over this vehicle for code violations around 8 P.M. last night. After the vehicle evaded officers, they gave chase.

Shortly after the chase began, the suspect’s girlfriend phoned Pomona police stating her boyfriend was the one they were chasing and he was suicidal and armed. Police, at that point, pulled back their patrol cars with a sole helicopter providing coverage from above.

The local Crisis Negotin Team stepped in to talk down the suspect and have him surrender peacefully, something that would’ve happened if it wasn’t for our “hero.”

In the video we can see our hero’s Dodge Ram following the suspect’s vehicle. With a large spotlight from a helicopter, it’s kind of hard to miss.

With a ladder frame construction, this Dodge Ram driver proceeds to attempt a pit maneuver on the suspect’s car, but fails. The suspect, flustered and now in a panic, makes a hasty right turn into a parking structure and attempts to away,

Unbeknownst to him, this parking structure is one level above the street, he drives through a fence, and his SUV comes crashing down to the street below. We see the suicidal suspect crawl out before he’s arrested by Pomona police and sent to a local hospital.

His condition is unknown.

Here’s where he flew off.

Our hero maintains he wasn’t arrested, however CBS Local News reports he was taken into custody and presumably released shortly after.

Fans of LA County Scanner identified our hero as owner of Lucky777 Mobile Detailing based in the LA area. The detailer was on Facebook later the next day bragging about his heroic deeds.

If you see police are involved in official business, whether it be a chase or arrest in public, it’s best not to get involved. Not only could you make the situation worse, police can arrest you for obstructing police business, especially if a situation goes south.

Can you imagine if that suicidal suspect didn’t make it out alive?


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