The driver allegedly aimed not his shots not to hit the driver
A frightening and gut wrenching video is circulating the internet showing the exact moment a senseless act of road rage turned potentially fatal. A car meet organizer in the Denver area shot the video earlier last weekend (Dec 27,2020) showing a portion of I-70 shut down by car meet attendees with the aim to turn the freeway into a sideshow.
The freeway closure was all but complete except for a Dodge Ram Pickup stopped. A sideshow participant, wanting to get an early jump in his Infiniti, initiates a donut but fails to see the Dodge slamming head-on into the truck.
Enraged beyond belief, the Dodge Ram driver exits his vehicle, opens the door to the Infiniti, and fires at least one shot into the driver’s side. The sideshow organizer filming honestly thought the Dodge Ram driver shot the Infiniti driver in cold blood but, according to news reports released shortly after, the driver in the Infiniti was not hit.
Check out two videos of the incident circulating below. Mirror here.
The first one was posted to the sideshow organizer’s Instagram with the caption.
“As you all know, there was something pretty bad that happened last night and is going to cause a lot of heat on our names. Y’all have probably seen the video.
We try to makes meets for y’all to have fun, but, at this point, cops don’t care at all and we’re going to end up getting y’all hurt by us trying to let y’all have fun. It’s gonna be one of us from the crew that gets hurt.
We will take a break and will not host meets for a minute till s*** cools down.”
“The driver that caused the crash was arrested for reckless and exhibitionist speed.“
The Dodge Ram driver escaped the scene in a Chevrolet Silverado and has not been located, although police are currently investigating the incident, having recovered shell casings from the scene of the crime.
As a Californian reading about these sideshows, it’s understandable hearing takeovers happening around my area, hundreds of miles from the Bay Area because trends tend to spill over and spread. But to hear of takeovers in scenic Colorado is both surprising but not unexpected.
Fueled by social media, illegal street takeovers and sideshows will remain “a thing” as long as influencer accounts that organize these events are around.
It’s a shame, though. Colorado, ya’ll have beautiful hiking, year-round outdoor sports, snow-capped mountains, and wide-open spaces. Maybe appreciate that instead of causing mayhem on the roads?
These sideshows are the anti-vax of car culture. More people need to start blasting when these idiots do this s***. Get a space, do your meets there, don’t inconvenience the public.