To add insult to injury, Alex Choi copyright-claimed his video asking for help.

Remember that rented 2018 Tesla Model S jumping Baxter Street video that went viral yesterday (March 20, 2022) that resulted in some damaged bins and at least one Subaru Forester? Local musician Jordan Hook, the owner of that Subaru Forester, came forward and took to social media, announcing a GoFundMe to raise funds for a new ride.

Hook’s Go Fund Me is listed below.

Hook, a Texas-raised musician turned Los Angeleno, just happens to live on Baxter Street, the third-steepest street in all of Los Angeles. It’s also, thanks to a bunch of immature YouTubers, a popular street to launch cars if you get the speed just right.

“Last night, I woke up to the sound of a jolting crash outside my window a little after midnight, Hook says.

“I came out to see a destroyed Tesla rammed into the back of my Subaru.”

And, although Alex Choi commented that Hook’s Subaru didn’t suffer much damage, that’s further from the truth.

“The back is only banged up on the bumper,” Hook explains. But my wheels were turned in towards the curb. And, when the Tesla hit my car, it jumped the curb, wrenching the wheels under and twisting them up so that it is now un-drivable.

Hook also recently replaced the engine to the tune of $5,000.

To add insult to injury, Alex Choi slapped Hook with a copyright claim on his first YouTube video asking for help.

Took down his video? Really Alex Choi?
Other videos with Choi’s footage, however, remain up.

Hook happened to use a bit of Choi’s video, a video from Choi’s account chronicling that night’s events.

To be clear, Choi was not the driver of the Tesla, but Choi is on record for organizing the Tesla meet immediately preceding the crash and agreeing to follow the Tesla driver to Baxter Street to, according to Choi, “…show me the place David Dobrik jumped his Tesla.”

Choi also happened to park his Tesla perpendicular to Baxter Street in just the right place for his dashcam to capture a jump.

Hook’s updated video sans Choi-footage is already up.

Regardless of that YouTube move by Choi and that hit-and-run driver on the lam, Hook’s Forester is still damaged and will need to be replaced.

The cost to repair the damage properly will likely be more than the car’s worth, effectively totaling the vehicle.

As of this blog post, over $8,000 of a $20,000 goal has been raised, $2,000 from Choi himself.

Choi’s $2,000 donation

I’m sure the car community will step up in a big way to get Hook a new ride, the goal probably beat by the end of day.

If you have a few dollars to spare, you know what to do.


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