Would you sacrifice several morning hours of sleep for your partner like this husband?

Boston-area entrepreneur and husband June Lopez shared on Facebook earlier this year that, for the past two years, he’s been waking up with his wife hours before dawn, so he can park outside the Dunkin’ Donuts at 4 A.M. where she works, just so she knows he’s nearby.

Since Lopez’s post in August, it’s gone viral, consistently shared and re-posted in various forms all over social media.

Lopez’s post is linked here, with a screenshot of it below.

“Almost 2 years now I’ll be outside at 4 AM posting in my car in the Dunkin’ Donuts parking lot because my wife has to open the store up, and she is afraid,” Lopez caption reads.”

“So, I make her feel comfortable knowing I’m outside in my car. It was cold today, so I grabbed a blanket out of the trunk. I don’t leave into her co-workers start showing up and the gas station next door opens up. Her safety is my responsibility”

The photos show the pre-dawn storefront of the Dunkin’ Donuts where his wife works, including a shot of Lopez all snuggled up in the front seat of his car.

For what it’s worth and to “fire back” at a handful of comments saying Lopez’s wife is the bread winner so he can easily do this, a quick look at his profile shows that Lopez is the owner-operator of his own HVAC company.

A screenshot of the About Us section of Gemini Heating and Cooling based in North Andover, MA. The dude on the left is June.
Photo Credit: https://www.geminis-heating-cooling.com/about/

Since he can set his own hours, he’s shuffled around his own working schedule to fit with his wife’s early morning shift.

“That is love,” says Erika Parsons in the repost where I found this story. “That is a real man, and a real partner.”

“Good, solid man,” Tammy Davis commented. “I know she appreciates you.”

As you can imagine, there are hundreds of comments on the original post and re-posts much like the same two I posted above, and rightfully so.

Lopez could’ve easily pointed out to his wife that, according to reports, the Andover area is ranked one of the safest city’s in the United States.

Or, he could’ve handed her a can of pepper spray or a taser.

But there’s nothing that can replace the peace of mind knowing that there’s someone nearby who’ll, at a moment’s notice, come and protect you.

As they say, love is spelled T.I.M.E. and Lopez is certainly showing he caresby sacrificing those extra hours he could’ve spent snoozing in his own bed.

Props to you, Lopez.


  1. I think that is great i do somewhat the same for my woman too she has been raising her 2 grandkids now for the past 7 years and she has had 2 back operations and both her knees are gone at 62 its hard to watch all the pain she is in so i pretty much do everything from breakfast lunch and dinner laundry and cleaning but I would not trade my life for anything i love these boys like their my own and isn’t that the true meaning of life is to help when needed not for anything in return but.maybe a love you now and then

  2. I think that is great i do somewhat the same for my woman too she has been raising her 2 grandkids now for the past 7 years and she has had 2 back operations and both her knees are gone at 62 its hard to watch all the pain she is in so i pretty much do everything from breakfast lunch and dinner laundry and cleaning but I would not trade my life for anything i love these boys like their my own and isn’t that the true meaning of life is to help when needed not for anything in return but.maybe a love you now and then

  3. To hear a story filled with so much love and true commitment in today’s world seems to come as a shock and almost unheard of to most. That’s the only negative I could ever see anyone comment following from reading this post and shame on those people. I’m almost 38 years old and was raised being told to wait until i found a man that performed such actions of loving, respectful nature and such a selfless great love naturally returned with no thought. That’s who you marry, that’s your husband! I waited patiently and dated more duds than I would like to admit but my fiance, my best friend changed my whole world as soon as he stepped into it and when we go through some lows together there’s no one I’d rather get through them with to figure out than him. We’re not perfect just like most couples truly in love but the everyday just mindful of how we’re being to one another and show small acts of love continually no matter time together it shouldn’t feel like work to do. He has also similarly to above incredible partner in storyline slept outside in car to walk me out once shift was over in dark parking lot that management mandatory rule had employees park farthest spots from mall entrance during holiday shopping. We had incidents of people following others to car to rob at gunpoint and I was management who took closing hours not to lose scared female employees at the busy holiday season. Fiance didn’t think my carrying of taser sat well enough so he came 1 hour early to wait, he’d get my call I was finished heading out and park waited for me at entrance only to pick me up to drop off at my car. Then follow behind me as we venture home safely together. My heart just melts for him and I have no eyes for anyone else. We are going on 6 years committed, 3 kids, 3 dogs, 2 cats and house together and I just can’t wait for more!


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