Dashcam footage shows if that Chevrolet left a second later, he would’ve been T-boned.

Colorado resident and Redditor /u/Markoff_Cheney shared personal dashcam footage to the /r/IdiotsInCars subreddit showing the terrifying moment a driver in a Chevrolet Trailblazer decided to pull an illegal U-Turn on the 285 on a blind corner as traffic fast approached.

/u/Markoff_Cheney’s thread and video is embedded below.

[oc] Finally got one, heading West in Colorado on 285, someone thought a U-turn on a 4 lane highway after a blind corner was a great idea – NSFW for language
byu/Markoff_Cheney inIdiotsInCars

The accident took place on the 285 in Morrison, CO just before Indian Hills (Exact location on Google Maps linked here.)

As OP’s video shows, he’s traveling near the 45 MPH speed limit (which should give you a good idea how twisty and turny this road is.)

Here’s a bird’s eye view of the area, where the incident happened starred in red.

As OP approaches the blind corner, a driver in a white, mid-2000s Chevrolet Trailblazer pulls an illegal U-Turn across two lanes of traffic fast approaching.

OP narrowly misses the Trailblazer.

“What the f***?,” his partner exclaims, and rightfully so. “What a f***ing a**hole.”

Those in the comments concur that this stretch of 285 is particularly dangerous.

“I hate 285 in general. Further into the city, the speed limit is posted at 65 but you’d be hard-pressed to find anyone doing slower than 80,” /u/SniperFrogDX adds.

“Hey I live near there,” /u/shongless*** comments.

“Yeah, that road has tons of speeders (45 limit if I remember correctly, look at those cars go!) and very little visibility along that stretch. He probably just saw a break in traffic and went for it. (Not saying that’s the correct choice of action, I’m just saying that’s probably his reasoning.)”

Mountain driving, especially in this area, is a skill.

If you drive through this area often or are just visiting, it would behoove you to be on your driving A-game even more so.

And, if you need another reason to get a dashcam, close calls like this one should be more than enough reason.


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