It’s bad enough this driver pulled an illegal U-turn, but not signaling, too, is just asking to get into an accident.
Coloradan and Redditor /u/___X___ shared headshaking dashcam footage from Colorado Springs from earlier this August (Aug 15, 2024) to the /r/IdiotsInCars subreddit showing a driver in a Subaru Forester suddenly driving onto a sidewalk to pull an illegal u-turn, almost causing their own T-bone accident.
Check out the dashcam footage for yourself below.
Nice person pulls off to the side before entering apartments [oc]
byu/___X___ inIdiotsInCars
The incident happened at the 1800 block of S Cascade Ave in Colorado Springs (Exact location on Google Maps linked here.)
As the /u/___X___ is driving along S Cascade Ave following this blue Subaru Forester at a cautious 15 MPH.
Suddenly, the Forester driver drives onto the sidewalk for a handful of feet before immediately pulling a U-turn in the opposite direction with no disregard for vehicles directly behind them.
OP times it perfectly and, instead of braking, which would’ve resulted in a T-bone accident, he swerves and accelerates out of the way, narrowly avoiding a collision.
This maneuver is, of course, dangerous and illegal.
In Colorado, illegal U-turns are subject to a fine of up to $100 before all the fees and three points on your record.
“So many people do this and I don’t understand why. Even if you think you need such a huge turn radius, why aren’t they looking in their mirror before cutting across every lane of traffic? Why is there no signal? And of course, they get so mad if you dare honk at them, much less almost hit them,” /u/theinfernumflame commented.
“So many people drive like they are the only person on the road” /u/perkypancakes added.
“That other car is a dumbass but hopefully this video can also teach people who might one day be following a dumba** about defensive driving. If a car pulls over for no good reason without indicating, taking a second to note what is up and what their next move is can potentially save you from some major headaches,” /u/Grolschisgood suggested.
Personally, once I see someone drive onto a sidewalk like that, I’d like to think my initial reaction is to let off the gas and put as much space between that loon and me as possible.
Ultimately, OP did the right thing, being aware of his surroundings and demonstrating he was ready to take evasive action.