This Japanese bicycle cop with just Chevro-leg power was able to catch and pull over a 600 HP Lamborghini Huracan.

Never underestimate the willpower and sheer speed of a Japanse bicycle cop when he’s got a ticket to hand you. According to Youtube user Comb318 media and a video they posted earlier this week (Dec. 21, 2017) a car spotter out to catch this exotic looking orange Lamborghini Huracan in the relatively tame streets of Japan got the surprise of his life when he witnessed a chase of epic proportions. Check out the most exhilarating chase that pitted bicycle cop versus a V10 Lamborghini in the video below.

Contrary to popular belief, even though Japan is largely known for being a law-abiding society, some of its citizens still break some of the more tame driving rules when they think no one is watching. This Lamborghini, a little confused with the turn lane instructions, took a chance and pulled an illegal turn. Unbeknownst to him, a bicycle cop was watching close by.

After the Lamborghini pulled the illegal turn, he was quickly stymied by a stop light a few meters from his original turn. This is where things heated up. The bicycle cop, probably well aware that people do this on the daily, pumps his legs with the fury of a thousand citations and sidles up right beside the Lamborghini Huracan and gives the supercar driver instructions to pull over.

The final parting shots show the bike cop giving the Huracan a ticket with the Lambos parking lights flashing in defeat.

What makes this chase even more humiliating for the driver and amazing for everyone else is that the bike cop wasn’t even on a high-end bike, he was riding what many internet commentators describe as a housewife-style bike.

Being somewhat a cyclist during the warmer months myself, this style of bike used by the cop is more suitable for cruising then accelerating to speeds upwards of 30 MPH.

I’m sure that this Huracan owner will not soon forget this most humbling experience and will heed traffic laws, especially in that particular area.


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