This Chevrolet Impala did the unthinkable on this famous California canyon road by breaking the first rule of Mulholland Highway (and any road for that matter.)

Due to its twisty nature and almost year-round availability, Mullholland highway is one of the most traveled scenic canyon drives in Southern California. It also attracts its fair share of idiots like this Chevrolet Impala. According to famed video historian of Mulholland Highway RNickeyMouse and his Instagram video he posted up earlier yesterday (Jan 14, 2018) he caught this B-body Chevrolet Impala breaking one of the golden rules of fast canyon driving, staying in your lane! Check out the amazing display of driving ineptitude for yourself in RNickeyMouse’s video below. Take note future tourists that want to drive this road, this is NOT what you do.

In this video, Ken Snyder (RNickeyMouse’s real name btw) positions himself on his infamous perch at “The Snake” a particularly curvy section of Mulholland Highway where he gets most of his driving mistakes caught on video.

In the beginning, we can see a nice looking Porsche 997 taking this infamous tight corner at a reasonable speed and in his own lane. Then, out of nowhere in an attempt to pass this Porsche, this Chevrolet Impala takes the other lane, blindly entering the corner to oncoming traffic, and struggles to get past, which he fails to. To make matters even worse, literally three seconds later, a group of motorcyclists goes past him in the inside lane he was just in. Timed wrong and this video could’ve turned out very differently.

Seeing the camera pointed in his direction, the Impala driver flails his arms and points downward for some odd reason. Maybe something got stuck on the floorboard and messed up his ace move.

Most of the people in the comments section of the video pretty much echo my sentiments that this Impala driver was a grade A moron.

Canyon driving is pretty simple. Go fast at your own risk if you feel safe and stay in your own lane at all times.


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