A Prius driver whose feels entitled enough to not follow the rules of the road? *gasp* I’ve never heard of such a thing.
I usually give Prius drivers the benefit of the doubt and refuse to lump them in as colloquial jerk drivers but then one speeds by me at 90 MPH and videos like this one turn up that makes me flip my opinion real quick. According to Youtuber Peylix on his upload from his dashcam from earlier yesterday (Feb 5, 2018) his dashcam captures the world’s most entitled Toyota Prius driver pull off a douche move, stop traffic in a right turn only lane to sneak back into traffic going straight, then after being called out for it, proceeds to exit his Prius to mouth off the driver. Maybe this guy is having the proverbial bad day but to quote Michael Scott, “What gives you the right?”
As Peylix approaches what he calls one of the most used intersections during the peak of the rush hour, he enters the right turn only lane. About 50 meters from the intersection is a Toyota Prius blocking his lane as it attempts to reneter traffic going straight. Although it’s probably not illegal to cross over a solid white line to get into the right lane you intended to go to before the intersection, to hold up traffic is another thing altogether.
Peylix does react poorly to the situation in my opinion by laying on his horn. This causes the Prius driver to exit his Prius in order to mouth off at him before going back to his car. It doesn’t end there as after traffic continues to flow, this Prius driver decides to not move at all and lets Peylix wait a couple more seconds in the right turn lane. Now THAT’S illegal to stop unnecessarily.
This mayhem causes a Jeep driver to park in front of the Prius, exit his Jeep and proceeds to give that Prius driver his two cents. Shortly after the Prius driver enters into the lane he wanted to get in and Peylix continues on to turn right.
I’ve been there before where I entered into a turn lane only but realized too late. Oftentimes I’ll suck it up and just turn instead of going straight. If there’s no one behind me, I might reenter the lane I want to get in, but more often then not I’ll turn. If there’s someone behind me, it’s just not right to plug up traffic in order to correct my mistake.