A Tesla employee really had to go out of his way to take a photo with toilet paper just to prove that yes, Tesla is not hurting THAT bad.

It looks like infamous often Tesla blogging blog Electrek might have to fact check some of its sources from now on for the more sensational insider topics as both Elon Musk and at least one employee had to confirm that yes, they have toilet paper. One Tesla Employee posted a photo of his lanyard in an employee bathroom in front of their toilet paper. Here’s the photo below.

In response to the fake news. 3 roles, double ply…we’re just fine ? from r/teslamotors

This photo was posted, as mentioned, in response to supposedly extreme cost-cutting measures by Tesla greenlighted by Elon Musk. This was a top-down cost-cutting plan that affects all levels of Tesla’s operations from parts, travel expenses, and rent all the way down to office supplies which apparently includes toilet paper.

Musk was quick to squash, most notably, the toilet paper rumor as quick as it came up skipping anything sort of official and just tweeting.

The blog’s author, one Fredric Lambert, who, as of late, hasn’t been in the best terms with Musk, doubled down on his claim.

Fred Lambert, Tesla blogger extraordinaire, scolded by Elon Musk & now it’s awkward

Sure, it seems quite reasonable to expect a large company to cut costs but to say they’re even cutting down on toilet paper is just plain silly.

According to the Reddit Employee above, they’re not only doing just fine with bathroom supplies but have double-ply with extra rolls to spare!

It’s not determined if this is the case with all Tesla facilities but I’m going to go out on a limb and say it’s probably much the same.

What do you think about this toilet paper-gate? Do you think costs are getting cut that deeply? Let me know your .02 in the comments below.


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