This reckless driver was clearly in the wrong, but had the audacity to blame the other party.

Presumed Seattle resident and Redditor /u/ParticularSwing9 submitted what he calls, “the most idiotic exit that I witnessed in 2023” to the /r/IdiotsInCars subreddit showing a driver on the 5 in Seattle, hell-bent on making his exit, proceed to drive across five lanes, causing an accident in the process.

On top of that, he had the cojones to say the other car was at fault.

Check out his dashcam footage below.

The most idiotic exit that I witnessed in 2023 [OC]
byu/ParticularSwing9 inIdiotsInCars

The accident took place on Interstate 5 in Seattle, WA just before Exit 162 (Corson Ave. and Michigan St. Exact location on Google Maps linked here.)

As OP’s dashcam footage shows, he’s travelling in the middle lanes of I-5.

Off in the distance, you can see a driver in a black car in the far right lane attempt to make Exit 162 on the other side of the freeway, five lanes across.

Exit 162 is not your regular exit on the right.

As this screenshot shows, 162 is a left side exit that dips to street level before making a turn onto Corson Ave.

Exit 162 Corson Ave.

What I think happened is the driver in the black car realized he was in the wrong lane and decided to pull a fast and reckless maneuver to make their exit.

Well, it didn’t work, obviously.

By disregarding how to make a safe lane change, the driver failed to see that silver car already in the fast lane.

The driver in the black car essentially sets himself up to get pitted, gets pitted, and then T-bones themselves on the crash barrier attenuator.

It’s violent, and both cars were essentially totaled.

To make matters worse, that reckless driver figured it’d be a case of he-said-she-said, that is until he found out there was dashcam footage from a witness, Redditor /u/ParticularSwing9.

“Stopped to provide help and footage. It warmed my heart when I received this message later “Thank you so much!!! You saved us!!! The other guy was saying it was our fault but because of your footage he is at fault”

Without OP’s dashcam footage, that driver in the silver car would be found at fault, their insurance covering the payments out to the driver in the black car.

You can’t trust anyone these days.

“Legit don’t understand how people like that survive so long. Have they just been closing their eyes and aiming for the exit ramp this whole time, and just getting lucky?,” /u/Popular_Target commented.

“Lying to the police should also have some sort of extra charge / penalty applied …. Is it really hard for the average person to admit they f***ed up?,” /u/OnePride16 added.

This is why it’s absolutely essential to drive with a dashcam if you don’t already have one.


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