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Tag: Thanks internet

Japanese cop gives up his own shoelaces to motorcyclist

Selfless Japanese police officer takes off his own shoelaces from his work shoes, gives...

The epitome of "to serve and protect." Japanese citizen and twitter user @Cbr600rr_nc23k shared this heartwarming moment earlier this week of a Japanese police officer...
Man almost runs over his own head after not choking his wheels

Terrifying moment TikToker almost runs himself over after disconnecting driveshaft

Why chocking your wheels is important. If you need a real-life lesson why chocking your wheels is important, take a lesson from @ItsProjectVenture. The DIY...
A woman in Brooklyn saving a parking spot without a car, calls the man a racist statement

Karen saving a street parking spot in Brooklyn tells Asian man to go back...

People are asking on social media if anyone knows who this racist Karen is. Social media users are asking for some sort of justice...
A screenshot from their violation notice showing them trolling a red light camera with a license plate

Did these Denver teens really use a license plate to troll red light cameras...

Or, are we the ones being trolled? If you want a "free" photoshoot and can unbolt your license plate, take a page from these bored...
Jerk driver in Florida comes up to horses and riders with his horns blaring

Hostile Florida driver looking for a fight drives towards horses & riders on this...

This is what you shouldn't do approaching horses on any road. Horse Rider Shradena Labossiere, who goes by @HorseFlorida on TikTok shared house cam footage...
Military truck driving through UAE flash floods is breaking windows thanks to its wake

The reason this military truck driving through UAE flash floods is causing damage, breaking...

He's not doing it on purpose Video posted on Reddit's Idiots In Cars subreddit shows a fast moving rescue truck driving through recent UAE flash...
Croooober Upgarage's Instagram account is hacked

Croooober Upgarage’s Instagram hacked, this is the account you should be following instead

Before you make the mistake of doing business with Croooober UpGarage over Instagram, check what account you're talking to. Croooober Upgarage, the US-based branch...
@ThatBoyFunny sprinkling fake glass outside and inside his car to make it look like someone already broke in.

Atlanta comedian comes up with ingenious and low-cost hack to thwart would-be car burglars

Street parkers on Bay Area streets take note, this takes leaving your car doors open one step further. Car theft and break-ins have gotten so...
A photo of a diesel pump showing how much this yacht owner spent

Did this yacht owner really spend $50,975 just on diesel fuel alone?

$50,975 isn't even that expensive for the world of yachts. Earlier yesterday (July 16, 2022) Twitter use @MrTrendWatch shared with his 13,000 followers that...
A NOS bottle that exploded thanks to plugging up where a burst disc would be

What caused this nitrous bottle to explode, resulting in catastrophic damage to a drag...

There are several reasons why this happened, but everyone in the racing community agrees on this one thing. Photos circulating social media earlier this weekend...
two men change a transmission on a beach

Deadset legends perform transmission swap on Corpus Christi beach

No jack, no garage, no problem If you live in an area hostile to working on your own car or don't even have a garage,...
A scene from the Nationwide 7-11 car meet that went down Novmber 5, 2021

When’s the next big 7-Eleven car meet? (Updated)

If the TikTok videos about the next 7-11 car meet go viral, the next one is coming up sooner than you think. Updated July 11,...
Scenes from road rage in Portland, described as woke.

Jeep-on-Jeep road rage leads to heated argument and teachable moment that can only happen...

"You're taking out your pain and oppression on me right now," she calmly said as he shouted in her face. TikTokuser @MidnightMimosa shared a moment...
A semi truck is towing three other vehicles behind it and it's perfectly legal

Obscure but real regulation allows this truck to tow three vehicles behind it, a...

Not only is this towing setup completely legal, it's got a unique name to go with it. A popular video on TikTok is making...
Wheel flies off truck on I-15 near Draper Utah

Wheel from driver’s Dodge Ram on I-15 near Draper, Utah dislodges from hub, dash...

Yet another reason to get a dash cam and not to ignore signs of impending equipment failure. You'd think driving on the neatly paved...
A gas pump sticker that reads "Oil Executives did this."

Where can I buy those “Oil Executives did this” gas pump stickers?

You've seen those Biden and Putin "I did that" stickers. Now get ready for the "Oil executives did this" gas pump sticker As inflation continues...
Crazy Jeep Wrangler driver stops traffic in Elizabeth NJ off Route 1 to confront driver he felt slighted by

Frenzied Jeep Wrangler driver in Elizabeth, NJ stops traffic to confront driver over petty...

"I was in fact trying to merge over when safely able to," says the dashcam owner. If you need another reason to invest in a...
A Mercedes commits hit-and-run against Motorcyclist in Istanbul Turkey

Motorcyclist’s camera in Turkey catches woman in Mercedes commit hit-and-run on his bike, witnesses...

Thankfully, this motorcyclist in Istanbul caught the hit-and-run on his camera. *if you're here from that Reddit thread, this blog post doesn't add anything that...
A'Keirra Patrice Dana Smith drives towards police in her Chrysler 300C

Video shows Baltimore woman near Arundel Mills Mall driving her Chrysler 300 recklessly, almost...

The witness video shows this woman's drifting Chrysler 300 wasn't stopping even when a police officer blocked it with his body. Witness video shared by...
A motorized chair user in El Cajon uses his chair to tow an entire boat

El Cajon man tows entire boat with his motorized mobility chair

Nothing was stopping this deadset legend from getting this boat to wherever he was going. Facebook user Christoper Jacoby shared an unbelievable video yesterday (May...
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