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Driver in Felton, CA runs driver in Corolla off the road.

Felton, CA: Vengeful Toyota Tacoma Driver Stages Near T-Bone to Scare Distracted Driver

Enraged they had to wait a half second more for this Corolla driver to move, he pulled into a gas station and staged a...
Toyota Camry speeding, flips on Highway 99

Driver In Toyota Camry Speeds on Highway 99 in Kingsburg, CA, Near Traver –...

One of many examples why Highway 99 has the reputation for one of the most dangerous roads in the United States. Presumed Central Valley...
Old vs New Tundra MPG test.

20-Year-Old V8 Toyota Tundra Destroys Turbo V6 Hybrid Tundra in Real World MPG Challenge

You'd think a new turbocharged hybrid truck with two fewer cylinders would easily beat an old V8, but it's not that simple. Browsing the...
Road rager stops on Exit 50 off-ramp to confront driver.

Tailgating Driver On The 91 in Corona, CA Goes to Extremes – Shocking Off-Ramp...

This driver in a lifted Toyota Sequoia felt the need to stop on an active off-ramp to road rage at him from his driver's...
Bad Driver in North Augusta.

North Augusta High School Parent Terrorizes City With Her Awful Driving, Caught Speeding Through...

The Dashcam owner called her a serial bad driver, North Augusta locals, remember this Toyota Highlander because you're going to want to avoid it. Presumed...
Multi-car accident on I-81 in Syracuse, NY

Chaos on I-81 in Syracuse, NY: Rubbernecking Triggers Multi-Car Pileup

Most of the cars involved were following too close to begin with. Presumed New York resident and Redditor /u/BlakLanner shared dashcam footage from I-81...
Grille on a 2024 Toyota Land Cruiser

This Toyota is engineered to last 66% longer than most other vehicles

If you want a Toyota specifically engineered to last a long time, this is the one to buy. Scrolling YouTube reels and I came across...
Buy a new or Used Toyota from this Burnsville, MN Toyota dealership and get a 100 pound bag of rice.

Buy a New Or Used Car At This Burnsville, MN Toyota Dealership And Get...

Minnesota is home to the second-largest Hmong population in the United States. Car dealerships will try almost anything to get customers to their showroom...
Driver in Ford Bronco Sport makes blind u-turn and gets t-boned.

Ford Bronco Sport Driver in Miami, FL blindly U-turns into obscured lane, collides with...

A good reason why you shouldn't leave a gap in traffic when you don't have to. Presumed Miami resident and Redditor /u/SwaggDreww posted up dashcam...
Driver in Toyota Sienna speeding on the Ventura Freeway in the rain crashes.

Speeding Driver In Toyota Sienna Hydroplanes on Rainy Ventura Freeway, Crashes into Freeway Barrier...

An idiot barreling down the freeway gets a dose of instant karma. Presumed California resident and Redditor /u/PiroshkiMan shared dashcam footage from earlier last week...
Moments after an alleged insurance scam gone wrong in Norfolk, VA

Road Rage Crash on Norfolk Highway Near The Midtown Tunnel: Driver Foils Alleged Insurance...

He didn't let her cut in front of him, so she retaliated by making him rear end her and claim he was at fault....
Car reseller showing us how he made $2,000 off one day's work.

How to make $2000 a day – Houston hustler shows how he made that...

You can make thousands of profit off only one day's work buying, fixing, and re-selling used cars. If you're looking for a time-tested and...
Driver in Toyota Camry Hybrid uses a turn only lane to try to cut in front of other drivers.

Bold Standoff: Corona, CA Driver Takes a Stand Against Lane Cutters Using Turn Only...

Any other day, he would've let this driver cut, but not today. SoCal resident and Redditor /u/Bomb-OG-Kush shared footage from his Tesla's cameras to...
He accidentally stole a Tacoma that looked a lot like his on accident.

Unbelievable Mix-Up: California Man Accidentally Steals & Drives Toyota Identical To His for 40...

Contrary to popular belief, this didn't happen because even new Toyota keys are able to start other Toyotas. SoCal resident and Toyota Tacoma owner...
Corolla driver wearing headphones does a no-look right turn on red.

Dramatic Dashcam Footage From Millcreek, UT Captures Risky Maneuver: Driver Wearing Earphones Takes a...

While it's not illegal to wear earphones while driving in UT, it's probably not a good idea, and this is one reason why. Presumed...
Cell phone user and red light runner in Minneapolis

Near Miss: Quick-Thinking Driver in Minneapolis Dodges Cellphone User & Narrowly Avoids T-Boning Red...

Swerving around a stopped truck was bad enough, but to almost smoke a red light runner brings dodging Idiots In Cars to a whole...
Driver in Belvidere, IL fails to yield and almost collides with car with the right of way.

Close Call in Belvidere, IL: Quick-Thinking Driver Dodges Near Collision as Reckless Left-Turner Fails...

The other driver had the nerve to yell at the dashcam owner that it was his fault. Presumed Belvidere resident /u/WinSensitive51 shared dashcam footage...
Texting while driving driver in Portland on the Sunset HIghway causes accident.

Dangerous Distraction: A driver on the Sunset Highway in Portland, OR collides with the...

Failing to gauge how fast traffic is slowing in front of you is one of the many reasons why texting while driving is verbotten....
This lady driving a Toyota Camry in Beatrice, NE was caught going 15 MPH in a 50.

Local Beatrice, NE woman caught going as slow as 15 MPH in a 50...

You can get fined for going too slow just as easily as going too fast. Presumed Gage County resident and Redditor /u/Glum-Name669 shared dashcam...
Culver City Toyota Techs

Toyota techs in Culver City, CA reveal how much in debt they are to...

You'll never guess how much these Toyota techs owe to their local Snap-on truck You've heard about how technicians can't step on a Snap-on or...
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